• take you justin bieber中文歌詞    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 金堡餐飲 Justin’s Signatures

      【關於金堡餐飲】由新加坡籍名廚Justin Quek郭文秀領軍的金堡餐飲創立於2004年,由雙城街的La Petite Cuisine開始,細膩經典的法式料理手法、結合取法台灣獨到食材與飲食文化的料理風靡政商名流,迄今於台北已有2家型態各異的餐...

      電話:02-87719297    地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段181巷33號
    2. 金鴻股份有限公司

      AROPEC SPORTS CORP. a former supplier to most of famous sport brands is now taking on the world. This means that we will be directly serving the watersport industry with our professional lines of diving, surfing, fishing, swimming and other water sports equipment.Regardless of what products you sell...

      電話:04-25693850    地址:台中市神岡區民生路122號
    3. 彩源科技股份有限公司

      ... with CIGS thin film solar cell and LED market. If you have the willing to take challenge and self-development to this booming market, BPT welcomes you to come to talk about our business and yourself. You may pre-study CIGS as key word from Google. Please contact and reply me with your resume.TCS we...

      電話:03-5584999    地址:新竹縣竹北市縣政九路138號4樓
    4. 左岸風尚餐飲店

      ...rink fresh beer,delicious noodles and other cuisines.The chief believes “Take it easy, eat wonderful pasta with good ingredients in Chiayi city”.Therefore, you will understand why LBF is popular and open,with an almost communal atmosphere that brings up images of a friendly dining room full of l...

      電話:05-2399688    地址:嘉義市東區興仁街43號
    5. 觀取信息科技有限公司

      ...fitting showcase for all of our case histories. In the meantime – please take a look at a few we have selected to give you a flavour of what we are about.We would welcome the opportunity to chat to you about your digital media ambitions.

      電話:02-23111055    地址:台北市中正區忠孝西路一段171號2樓地圖

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